If you’re grappling with treatment-resistant depression, SPRAVATO® is an innovative treatment that can deliver relief from major depression symptoms in a matter of hours. Explore if SPRAVATO® is right for your mental health journey today. 

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SPRAVATO® Treatment

SPRAVATO® (also known as esketamine) is derived from ketamine, an anesthetic with a history of treating depression. Recently, esketamine, a more potent form of ketamine, obtained FDA approval specifically as a nasal spray for individuals dealing with treatment-resistant depression. Due to its increased potency, esketamine can be administered at a lower dose, potentially resulting in fewer side effects. Esketamine, along with its counterpart ketamine, stands out as an effective treatment for depression due to several factors.

Traditional antidepressants elevate levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine, which act as messengers facilitating communication between brain cells. Esketamine operates similarly, but unlike antidepressants, it boosts levels of glutamate, the brain's most abundant chemical messenger.

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  • SPRAVTO esketamine for depression clinic room in fort myers

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Unlike ketamine infusions, which are administered via an IV, SPRAVATO® is administered via a nasal spray. When administering SPRAVATO®, it promptly increases glutamate. The elevation of glutamate stimulates neurotransmitters throughout the brain, including regions associated with depression symptoms. This proven process diminishes suicidal thoughts and fosters the creation of new cell connections in the brain.

You can experience the effects of SPRAVATO® within 24 hours. This rapid relief offers a renewed sense of hope to many, especially in contrast to antidepressants alone that may take.

We help individuals see they are separate from their disorder and can effectively manage or alleviate symptoms.

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Knowing that you are not alone is of utmost importance. Seek assistance for depression today!



  • Depression
  • Lack of Joy
  • Sadness and Despair
  • Low Mood
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Oversleeping
  • Social Isolation
  • Self-Harm
  • Substance Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Alcoholism

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Your SPRAVATO® journey begins with a consultation where our team assesses your symptoms, medical history, and treatment goals. This initial visit helps determine your eligibility for SPRAVATO®, and if deemed appropriate, we'll schedule your first session. On the first designated treatment day, you'll self-administer the nasal spray under supervision. Supervision is required due to potential side effects. The doctor closely monitors you during this period to ensure safety, emphasizing that SPRAVATO® is only a safe drug to use when it’s administered professionally. 

Following each session, there's a two-hour observation period to monitor your well-being and potential side effects. From there, treatment typically involves two sessions per week for four weeks, followed by monthly maintenance doses as needed. If SPRAVATO® aligns with your needs, you can experience prompt relief from unwanted symptoms, rely on its high success rate, benefit from the convenience of a non-invasive medication, and enjoy lasting results, supported by research indicating SPRAVATO®'s potential for long-lasting relief.

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SPRAVATO® is new to many people, which means you may have some questions. Check out these common FAQs or contact us for more information. 

  • How long will I need to take SPRAVATO®? How long is the treatment process?

    In the initial four weeks of your treatment, you'll visit twice weekly to self-administer your SPRAVATO® dose and undergo the required two-hour observation. In the subsequent four weeks, most patients typically use SPRAVATO® once a week. Beyond that period, treatment can extend for as long as necessary.

  • Who qualifies for SPRAVATO® treatment?

    SPRAVATO® is prescribed, alongside an antidepressant, to address treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in adults and depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) accompanied by suicidal thoughts or actions.

  • What does it feel like to be on SPRAVATO®?

    SPRAVATO® may lead to significant side effects, such as drowsiness, fainting, dizziness, a spinning sensation, anxiety, or a sense of disconnection from oneself, thoughts, feelings, or the surroundings (dissociation). As mentioned, we will observe you for a minimum of two hours following the administration of SPRAVATO® to ensure your safety and manage any side effects.

  • Does insurance cover SPRAVATO®?

    While we do not currently accept any insurance, we have affordable payment options, and we will work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs.


Conquer anxiety and depression by participating in the PHQ-9 or GAD-7 assessments at SW Florida TMS & Ketamine clinic. Though these assessments may appear as short quizzes, there are no wrong responses, and your results are kept completely confidential. Let us lead you toward a more hopeful future.

Explore SPRAVATO® for depression in Fort Myers today.

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a young man in a red sweater leans against a wall with his eyes closed
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